Wigilia w CKiJP
W Centrum Kultury i Języka Polskiego UJK, jak co roku, pracownicy przygotowali dla studentów spotkanie wigilijne (20.12.24). Spotkanie rozpoczął życzeniami kierownik CKiJP, dr hab. Stanisław Cygan, prof. UJK, a do…
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Spotkanie wigilijne Erasmus+
W spotkaniu wigilijnym Erasmus+, które odbyło się w piątek 13 grudnia, wzięli udział nasi studenci zajęć lektoratowych z języka polskiego jako obcego, koordynatorzy programu Erasmus+, przedstawiciele Działu Współpracy Międzynarodowej, study…
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2 February 2021
Change in work mode in CKiJP
Please be advised that the CKiJP administration has returned to the stationary mode of operation. Duty hours for visitors: Mon-Fri. 9: 00-14: 00.
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9 December 2020
Holiday greetings
On behalf of the management and all employees of the Center for Polish Culture and Language, we wish you a healthy, peaceful and family-friendly Christmas.
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12 October 2020
Symbolic inauguration of the academic year
On October 16, 2020, the first classes at the Center for Polish Culture and Language began. The teachers welcomed the students, explained the conditions for passing the course and introduced…
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10 October 2020
Class schedule, semester I
Dear Students, here is schedule of Polish language classes for foreigners for the 1st semester of the 2020/2021 academic year. Classes are held in the building of the Center for…
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9 October 2020
New organization of classes
Dear Students, in accordance with the Regulation No. 238/2020 of the Rector of Jan Kochanowski University in Kielce of October 19, 2020, classes at the Center for Polish Culture and…
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7 February 2018
The course „Język polski podstawowy (Basic Polish)”
Dear Students, we would like to inform you that we are starting recruitment for the course “Język polski podstawowy (Basic Polish)”. The course is intended for foreigners studying in the…
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24 May 2017
Visiting our friends
For the invitation of the Dnipropetrovsk Oblast Union of Poles, on 9-13 May 2017, a delegation of Jan Kochanowski University in Kielce and the Kielce University of Technology, composed of:…
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